Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Testing, Testing, 123....

'Sup, Test takers! how are ya'll? I hope you're nice and relaxed for before those big tests that you'll be taking. I'm not. I've been way too jumpy recently. I bring you this blog, full of pretty colors, to let you see that there are those that care, even if we've never met. Don't take this the wrong way, I want you to know that there are people just like you out there. People like me. We're always cramming for those tests, (Mid-term, End of year, and State-proofing) and we hardly get to relax. So I say: spend a day doing whatever it is you want to do. I know it sounds corny, I know you probably do so all the time anyways, but if you say to yourself: "Today, I'm noot going to even think about studying!" The next day, when you sit down for however long you study for, you'll feel better, more relaxed, not as worried. This works for me all the time. I hope you try it and that it works for you to.